Welcome to Shanta Memorial Rehabilitation Center

CSW68: Bridging Gaps on Gender, Disability, and Climate Change

At CSW68, a diverse panel convened, comprising experts well-versed in gender, disability, and climate change. Their discussions transcended borders, offering insights from both global and regional contexts. Notably, alongside established professionals, young scholars from South Asia lent their voices to the conversation, emphasizing crucial issues and advocating for policy c...

Article 19 E Course

An E Course on Insidious Violence and women with disabilities from 22nd February to 2nd March 2021. Faculty and Students from Universities across India and independent scholars participated in the course. Faculty was from Asia Pacific a mix of academics, activists and member from the UNCRPD Committee....


COVID-19 impacted the projects. A project on Article 19 of UNCRPD working towards women with disabilities rights in living in the community in three States of India i.e Odisha, Gujarat and Telangana increased to COVID-19 issues of providing more livelihood, advocating for priority vaccine to disabled and accessibility for Tele medicine....