Funding Partners
SMRC is grateful to its many donors who over the years have appreciated our work and visited us over the years providing the support we needed. Many of them helped us sustain our gender work, disasters and disabilities, rehabilitations and research.
USAID, Common Wealth Foundation, Disability Rights Funds, ONGC, SAIL India, HDFC Bank, Government of India & Orissa, World Bank, IMFA Charitable Trust, Sri Dorabji Tata Trust, British High Commission, AusAID (Common Wealth of Australia), UNICEF, UNDP, Action Aid, Caritas India (CBR Forum), Cordaid, Danchurch Aid, Handicap International, Oxfam (India) Trust, State Bank of India, Rehabilitation International, Rosa Luxemburg – Stifting, Tide Foundation, Population service international (PSI).