Welcome to Shanta Memorial Rehabilitation Center

Disability inclusive disaster and climate change

Asha Hans with other speakers at the conference

National Disaster Management Guidelines on Disability Inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction


SMRC assisted the National Disaster Management Authority in preparing the National Guidelines

The Guidelines has 6 Chapters covering Introduction, Disability and Disaster Framework, Responses and Risks for Persons with Disabilities; Disability Inclusive Actions; Disability Practices in DRR and Conclusion and a Reading List

India Declaration 2008

This declaration was drawn up at the end of the International Conference on Disaster and Disability organized in Bhubaneswar India in 2008. It was partnered with NDMA, Government of India and Government of Odisha

International Workshop on Disability and Disaster

In 2008 SMRC organized an International Conference on Disability Inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction. The Conference participants on the whole agreed that there was existing experience to draw on and we need to move forward. The first important issue is to move from this understanding to action.

Global Campaign for Inclusion of Disability in Disaster Management

The United Convention on Rights of Persons with Disabilities (Art 11) signed by 100 countries as of now calls, for State parties to take necessary measures to ensure protection and safety of persons with disabilities in situations of risk, armed conflicts, humanitarian emergencies including the occurrence of natural disasters. This conference will initiate a global discussion/dialogue among governments, disabled people’s organizations, human rights bodies, and those working on disasters and related issues.

Despite, the large number of persons with disabilities being affected and the emergence of large numbers of newly disabled during and after disasters, there is no attention paid to their needs. This is significant when we are aware that, their vulnerability increases on the basis of age, race, caste and gender.

SMRC carried out these actions:

MEANINGFUL PARTICIPATION OF PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES IN DISASTER MANAGEMENT:  It cannot be assumed that they be automatically included in when they are usually excluded in normal times.  This was accomplished through a twin track approach.

  1. Building the capacity of persons with disabilities to be able to participate on equal terms.
  2. To ensure that they are consulted at each step.

This was done by

Building Network of Alliances

Networking between disaster and disability organizations were initiated to enable them to build solidarity with each other. This alliance building was extended to other vulnerable groups (based on age, gender, race and caste).

Evidence Based RESEA RCH:

SMRC started to initiate research on the subject with the help of World Bank UNDP, Government of Odisha

2019  National Guidelines : Disability & Disaster NDMA

2010 Disability And DisastersA working paper on inclusive disaster management in Bangladesh, Indonesia, and the United States – 2010 for World Bank

2008 Toolkit on Disaster Management & Disability – UNDP (2008)

Barrier free environment for Engineers training workshop : Odisha

Situations of Risk and Humanitarian Emergencies and Violence, One in Ten Vol. 26 UNICEF

E-Solution Network Document, UNDP

Disaster Management and Disability: promoting a research agenda: Beijing Conference Publications GFHR

2007 Training Manual for Inclusion of Disability in Disaster  Preparedness and Response : Dan Church aid

2006 Article: Inclusion of Disability in Disaster Management: Issues of Health Concern ,  Global Forum

Disabled and other Vulnerable People in Natural Disasters-Led E- Discussions May 22 to June 9

Focus by SMRC on Emergency Response/Relief. World Bank, CIR, IDDC E- Discussions

Disability, disaster and technology,  Ashok Hans and Reena Mohanty, Development, Volume 49, Number 4, December 2006, pp. 119-122(4)

Disability and the Tsunami: Video By Judith E. Heuman Advisor, Disability and Development World Bank and Maria Reina and Anne Hayes CIR by Prepared for SMRC for the GFHR Forum 9Mumbai, India12-16 September 2006; Satellite Meeting on Disability and Disaster

2005 Training of Medical &Non Medical personnel on Management of Disabled affected in Disaster : DCA Manual on Psychological Care of Disaster Survivor Disabled People ; Dan Church Aid

2004 Study On Disaster Preparedness And Mitigation Of The Disabled – Dan Church Aid on Odisha


2019    Asia Pacific Climate Week, Bangkok

2019    Global Platform for DRR Geneva

2017    Global Platform for DRR Cancun

2017    Asian High level  Ministerial Meeting New Delhi

2016    Participated in Humanitarian Summit, Turkey

2015    3rd World DRR Congress, Sendai

2014    UN Conference Sendai

2012    Civil society consultations for post HFA roadmap for India: Eastern India stakeholders’ workshop , UNDP

2012    Key Note Address: Making CBRDM Inclusive in South Asia : Colombo Sri Lanka

Plenary Presentation on Disability and DRR : Korea Incheon

Chair Disability and Disaster theme  : Korea Incheon

2011    Development through CBR: Disability and DRR: Paper Presentation  Cambodia

2010    Plenary Speaker Disaster and Disability, Sphere National Consultations Bhubaneswar

2009    Disability and Disaster Multi Country Study : Turino Italy  GPDD

Organized Regional Consultations on Sphere Guidelines : Bhubaneswar & Delhi

Raised issue on WWD and DRR at IDA   – Asia Meet  Manila Philippines

Observer at 2nd Asian Inter-ministerial meet Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction  : UNDP Delhi

2008    Organized “ International Conference on Disability and Disaster  : 28th-29th January 2008 at Bhubaneswar

& Formation of  Disaster and Disability Network,  attended by NDMA, World Bank, CBM, UNDP, OSDMA,

Development Through CBR: Disability and Disasters Paper Presentation : Jyogakarta Indonesia

National Consultative Workshop on Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) in Disaster Preparedness and Management : Bhubaneswar  With support of ICRC, UNDP, OSDMA

Disability and Disaster Presentation : DCA – SA Partnership Meeting Kathmandu

Papers  Oral and Poster on Disability Disasters and Research : Beijing GFHR Conference

2006    Seminar on Implementation of  the UN Convention on the Rights of Disabilities inclusion of disaster on agenda  Discussions with Don Mckay : USICD & RI New York 30th August .

National Seminar on CBRDP Initiated Advocacy on Inclusion in Indian Laws on Disasters : NDMA, NIDM , Sphere India

Papers Presented  :  Govt of India First National Congress

Inclusion of Disaster Management presentation by Ashok Hans

“Inclusion of Disability and Gender in Disaster Management and Response”  Reena Mohanty

Organized Satellite Meeting on Disability and Disaster : GFHR Forum 9Mumbai, India

2005    Workshop on Making the Odisha Relief Code Inclusive : Bhubaneswar

Paper Presentation: Disability and Donor Response during Disasters Disability and Disaster Network Task Force, By Prof. Santosh  Rath & Prof. Asha Hans, Cairo GFHR


  1. With Government of India (2005) to include disability in the draft National Disaster Management Act (Bill).
  2. Change the Odisha Relief Draft Code (2004)
  3. Change in Sphere Standards Globally to include disability


Work with Handicap International and Orissa Disaster Management Authority in Odisha for CBDRR in Odisha.

Advocacy with World Bank for accessibility in shelters being constructed. Consequently all shelters are accessible.

Networking with UN related working groups: Women’s Major Group and Disability Stakeholder DRR Group and  thematic DRR group